You might be familiar with Steamworks Baths from on of their locations in other cities. Just be sure to keep your costume light on makeup if you're planning to fool around with anyone, and aren't just going to win the costume contest. Their Halloween party is of course one of the community's favorite events of the year. Their themed parties are incredibly well put together, and we'd argue have many more hot people than events that are held in Seattle-proper. The only time limit given to the fun is that the club asks that people are showered and out the door by 10 AM. The fact that the venue has rooms for people to sleep in overnight if they have so much sex that they couldn't possibly drive themselves home, encourages people to push themselves to their sexual limits. Parties typically start around 9 o'clock, and don't have any set end time, so if the party is raging, it can go into the wee hours of the morning. So yes, you're having to drive a little bit outside of Seattle, but for sex parties this good, we'd definitely drive even further.
If you've heard of the Redmond Ranch, this is the same spot, just under a different name.